Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Programming :: essays research papers

Question 1 (1 point) True/false evaluation is "natural" from the computer's perspective because computer circuitry consists of two states. a. True b. False Save answer Bottom of Form Question 2 (1 point) It is considered trivial to compare two constants. a. True b. False Save answer Bottom of Form Question 3 (1 point) The logical AND is usually a binary operator that requires a complete Boolean expression on each side. a. True b. False Save answer Bottom of Form Question 4 (1 point) An AND decision is when one condition must be met or some other condition must be met for the event to take place. a. True b. False Save answer Bottom of Form Question 5 (1 point) You should never ask a question if there is only one possible answer or outcome. a. True b. False Save answer Bottom of Form Question 6 (1 point) When you combine AND and OR operators, the OR operators take precedence. a. True b. False Save answer Bottom of Form Question 7 (1 point) A case structure allows you to substitute a series of selections. a. True b. False Save answer Bottom of Form Question 8 (1 point) Some programs require multiple decisions to produce the correct output. a. True b. False Save answer Bottom of Form Question 9 (1 point) The part of the decision that executes when the tested condition is false is the __________ decision. a. if b. then c. else d. then-else Save answer Bottom of Form Question 10 (1 point) Each programming language supports its own set of __________ operators that express Boolean tests. a. logical comparison b. arithmetic c. logic d. organization Save answer Bottom of Form Question 11 (1 point) A compound, or AND, decision requires a __________ decision. a. if b. or c. nested d. tiered Save answer Bottom of Form Question 12 (1 point) When one or the other of two conditions is true, this is called a(n) __________ decision. a. AND b. AND/OR c. OR d. OR/AND Save answer Bottom of Form Question 13 (1 point) A path that can never be traveled is known as a dead or __________ path. a. unreachable b. unusable c. closed d. useable Save answer Bottom of Form Question 14 (1 point) How many AND and OR statements can you combine in most programming languages? a. one b. two c. three d. as many as you need Save answer Bottom of Form Question 15 (1 point) Case structures are used when you have a series of __________ based on the value stored in a single variable. a. functions b. decisions c. models d. identifiers Save answer Bottom of Form Question 16 (1 point) Which of the following is not a part of a decision table? a. conditions b. possible combinations of Boolean values for the conditions c. possible actions based on the Boolean values d. the actions that correspond to each Boolean value of each condition Save answer

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