Tuesday, October 8, 2019

International Operational And Logistical Strategies Essay

International Operational And Logistical Strategies - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that total quality management encompasses combined management effort to improve and advance the quality of the company’s products at all levels. It has to do with meeting the customers’ quality expectation. Total quality management aids at improving effectiveness, flexibility, and effectiveness of an organization to meet the needs and expectation of all involved stakeholders. It facilitates planning and organizing to understand the contribution of all involved stakeholders. The frequently wasted energy and effort is eliminated through concrete and effective planning and organization. In total quality management, the leaders’ works on productive strategies of ensuring quality service management and total elimination of the detected problems and shortcomings. The ideology of total quality management accesses the management capability of managing people and business processes to meet customers’ quality expectation. Businesses provide the best outcome in satisfying the customers need through a well working combination of the total quality management and effective organization leadership. The guiding principle behind total quality management is suppliers-customer interface. The interface should be functional in internal level and in external level. Total commitment to quality is very essential in achieving the desired customer quality. To achieve the expectation of the total quality management ideology, frequent transmission of the quality messages together with the need and desire to change the culture of an organization for quality advancement are very fetal and necessary. The three main elements in total quality management are people, process, and systems available in the organization (Jarrett 2006, p. 57) In total quality management, the term quality refers to meeting fully the needs and expectations of the organizations’ customers. The component of quality in total quality management includes; reliability, maintenance, availability appearance, performance, delivery, cost effectiveness, and delivery. The understanding of the organization on all this needs necessitate total quality management (Joseph 2008, p. 50). After comprehensive understanding of the customer’s needs, the organization must strategize on the best means of achieving them for the sake of the customers (Slack, Chambers, Johnston, 2010, p. 19). The initial stage in achieving the quality expectation of the customer is conducting market research. Research helps in understanding the actual and real needs of the customers. The collected finding should be communicated to all relevant organization departments. For an organization to effectively meet the expectation of its customers, the involved stakeholders, department, activities must be integrated. The organization changes should also be based on customers’ satisfaction. Proper integration of all interfaces is very necessary in achievin g total quality organization (Zimmerman, 2006, p. 23). To meet the reality of total quality management, the process of transformation must start from the top. Senior managers must have the will and desire to achieve quality in the organization service delivery. They must demonstrate their total commitment and will of offering quality services to their customers. The operational managers must follow the suit of their seniors (Harrison and van Hoek, 2008, p. 87). Communication on the need and commitment to quality service delivery is also very relevant and demanding. The principles, ideologies, and benefits of total quality management must be communicated and understood by all playing partners. Frequent interaction and consultation in the organization is the real way of developing the required quality attitude and perception among the organization workers. The other core requirement in the total quality man

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