Thursday, October 17, 2019

OM8025 final paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

OM8025 final - Term Paper Example Zaire is one such country. Through the creation of private-public partnerships and with some creative long-term strategic planning, Zaire has the potential and the opportunity to bridge the digital divide. This will enable Zaire to diversify its economy and to open new international markets to products manufactured locally. This study attempts to determine the level of interest among private sector firms and government agencies in Zaire in acquiring advanced telecommunications and internet capabilities. It also assesses what technology capabilities are most needed and what the impact of introducing these new technologies might have on the social, cultural and business practices of Zairians. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree to which public and private agencies in Zaire value the importance of having access to emerging telecommunications and internet technologies. If these technologies are made available, what affect do the agencies perceive these technologies to have on the manner in which they conduct their business activities? The lack of access to state-of-the-art telecommunications and internet technologies has represented a major constraint in Zaire’s efforts to diversity its economy. The country must show consistent economic growth in order to generate the revenues that it needs to develop new programs and businesses. In particular, Zaire must increase the volume of foreign direct investment in its economy in order to create the skilled jobs that Zairians require. There is a strong theoretical foundation in both economics and public policy that indicates a direct correlation between economic diversity and economic prosperity. Economic prosperity, in turn, provides countries with the resources that they need to develop strong social institutions (World Economic Forum, 2009). One of the distinguishing characteristics between

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