Thursday, October 31, 2019

Philosophy final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Philosophy final - Essay Example The key is to change the society and the concept which are prevalent. The ideals being set or formulated in one’s mind are not based on unstable thoughts and feelings but instead these ideals come from deep and long lasting thoughtfulness of a person and the agreement of these thoughts by different people provides an ideal image for the society. The concept of an ideal society has different meanings for different people. The philosophers have long been struggling to provide supporting evidences and reasons for their idealistic society to flourish and be admired. The approach of an ideal society, however, is not the same for everyone some people believe in a completely democratic society as an ideal society while others believe in capitalism and communism (Beehler & Drengson 1978 pp. 213-216). This paper analyzes the differing views of an ideal society from the perspectives of the great philosophers like Freud, Marx and others. Using the ideal society concepts of the great phil osophers, the paper establishes the concept of an ideal society which I believe in and strive or wish to dwell in. Karl Marx, like Freud saw conflict within society, but had radically different ideas and perceptions about humanity and civilization. Marx saw some of the same problems Freud saw, but chalked it up to inter-economic class conflict instead of conflict within one’s psyche. Marx believed that this class conflict was caused by one class, the bourgeois (the upper elite of society), which he characterized as having the great majority of wealth and rule over the lower class of society. The lower class, or the proletariat’s, worked for the bourgeois and depended on the elite members of society whether they wanted to or not. This view of economic class strife was just one stage of Marx’s idea that all history was leading up to some finality and that eventually all of man would be able to live in a utopia. Marx also applied this idea

Music 004 written assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Music 004 written assignment - Essay Example This is a wonderful children’s movie that emphasizes the values of family. It reinforces the fact that people are never apart in spirit although they may be physically separated. is a plucky, happy-go-lucky fish and the music reflects that character. Music says a lot about the personality of a character. This music is free-flowing, happy, and joyful in tone. Basically, Nemo’s life is good and this music reflects the joy and wonder he has in his life. This clip reveals what Nemo’s family life is like, and is a little curio which showcases how good life is before he gets lost. At this point the story is still in the stage of exposition—there is some narrative hook that is going to grab the audience, but not quite yet. The music is light and happy. creates a joyful and carefree atmosphere. This music is supposed to characterize Nemo’s life as a young fish—he does not have any worries, and his life is relatively unfettered by problems of the world out in the big sea, as he mainly sticks close to home. However, the music does foreshadow, at least a bit in all its utter happiness, that perhaps this music is a backdrop for the more serious material that is going to be coming in the future. Basically this â€Å"happy† music is a lead-in to a more tranquil side of music which will match the tone of the movie when Nemo gets lost. In that sense, this music can sound very superficial and has almost a dreamlike quality to it. gets lost. As Marlin (one of the characters) says, â€Å"No! I didnt come this far to be breakfast!†1 So is the struggle that Nemo will find once he leaves the ambience of the happy music. Music has the ability to give a certain quality to situations on-screen that otherwise would not have been as clearly delineated. In Finding Nemo, the composers do an excellent job of conveying feelings through the music. make the audience aware of the happy life Nemo had before getting lost—but it also conveys a

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Analyzing Poetry Essay Example for Free

Analyzing Poetry Essay Ezra Pound’s poetry is striking in its break from the blank verse which occupied the page during the transcendental period. Taking points from Whitman’s free verse style, Pound gives the reader a subjective look at poetry. The poem A Virginal gives the reader both phantoms and tangible feelings of which the narrator is powerless to control (much as the war made countrymen feel a powerlessness in the death of their comrades). This is supported with lines such as â€Å"And left me cloaked as with a gauze of aether† (Pound line 5). It is this symbolic castration that war represents which plays a significant role in Pound’s poem. Pound’s poem War Verse Pound gives a rather ambivalent opinion of World War I. The point of the poem is that he wants poets to give soldiers their time; he was speaking about poets winning awards for their poems about the war, of which they had seen no action. The beginning lines of War Verse are, â€Å"O two-penny poets, be still! For you have nine years out of every ten To go gunning for glory with pop guns; Be still, give the soldiers their turns† (Pound lines 1-2). In either poem this idea of not being able to do anything about the war and the deaths that were the outcome of that war, are the impetus to Pound’s feelings. The form of either poem are similar, and the subject matter of course is strikingly the same. In T. S. Eliot’s view of the past as expounded upon in his essay Tradition and the Individual Talent have to do with following tradition. Eliot criticizes poets and critics for only following a tradition that is merely one generation removed from the present and says that we ought to follow the maturity of the poet, not the expanse of his work, not the work done with less vigor as we are apt to do. In his essay Eliot says we must understand what it is when we speak of tradition; which means that we cannot ignore any of the work, that a poet must strive uphold tradition in knowing the full expanse of literature (not just the previous generation’s triumphs) as Eliot states, the historical sense compels a man to write not merely with his own generation in his bones, but with a feeling that the whole of the literature of Europe from Homer and within it the whole of the literature of his own country has a simultaneous existence and composes a simultaneous order. (Eliot paragraph 3) For T. S. Eliot, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock can be said to be the addressing of age, life, and one’s personal fight with the passing of days. The many allusions throughout the poem may be attributed to various issues concerning one’s growing old. In line two, for example, Eliot makes the comparison of the evening to an unconscious patient on an operating table. The consequence of this comparison is that the reader begins to see the evening as not the end of a day, but rather the end of someone’s life – old age. With this allusion used in Eliot’s poem the reader is allowed to explore their own understanding of how their life has been in comparison to the illustrations used by Eliot. Thus, the reader becomes a part of the poem; an active listener in the story/poem told by Eliot. The personification of the time of day at the beginning of the poem, then leads the reader to view the rest of the poem in a manner conducive to that comparison – with all of the metaphors dealing with life. This comparison is further pressed in line 23, with â€Å"And indeed there will be time†. This solidifies the metaphor of time, and a person’s dealings with it. Eliot seemed to enjoy writing in the metaphysical aspects and indeed this is strongly reflected in Prufrock, while Eliot balances this writing with concrete imagery. Though Eliot insists â€Å"there will be time†, he follows this line with a list of many things that one does throughout his or her life. This expansive list would fill a lifetime, and therefore refute the idea of endless time that line 23 infers. Eliot liked to write in contradictions since humanity was full of contention points and paradoxes. The hesitations and frivolous actions of life listed in this poem are not an affirmation of the ability to achieve these goals, or waste this time, but instead it is a warning that time passes, without respect to the desire or intent of a person. Eliot makes mention of this by indicating that his hair is thinning, something that he does not desire to occur, yet does – outside his control. This again is the metaphysical aspect of Eliot’s writing which could perhaps have been inspired by Donne’s work, yet Eliot’s writing style seems to be more realistic than Donne’s and Eliot writes with a sort of paying attention to the fringes of humanity and exploring darker concepts of the human mind; such as death and time in this poem. Works Cited The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Vol. II, ed. Lauter, et al (Vols. C, D, a

Social Media Is Retarding Our Communication Skills Essay Example for Free

Social Media Is Retarding Our Communication Skills Essay Social Media is Retarding our Communication Skills According to Cara Pring, writer and author of thesocialskinny. com, as of May, 2012, 62% of adults use some form of social media. If you observe any post secondary classroom before instruction begins, you’ll see the majority of students engrossed in some type of social media. We have become more comfortable engaging in the digital world than we are with the people right in front of us. Social media has allowed us to become more connected yet, potentially, more disconnected than ever before. Social media is creating a generation of â€Å"over-sharers†. This need to over share can also create a dangerous environment. We have become very comfortable telling the world things, which in years past, would have been considered private information. Facebook allows you to check in at a destination or share vacation photos in real time. While this need to over share can seem harmless, we are unwittingly telling sinister people that we are not home or maybe that we are home alone. We are slowly losing our ability to determine what information to keep private and what information to share. Social media is creating a false sense of connection and an atmosphere of friendship. According to Cara Pring, in 2012 Facebook had 845 million monthly active users and there was an average of 750 tweets made per second. We are doing a lot of communicating but are we really saying anything of value. The more â€Å"friends or followers† a person has the more popular they may feel. Unfortunately popularity does not equate to friendship. Social media only requires us to have surface relationships and does not require meaningful conversation. True friendship requires investing in a relationship through quality time with open and honest face-to-face communication. As a society we have come to value frequent communication rather than meaningful conversation. In an article written by Susan per Danko for Forbes magazine, about 7% of communication is based strictly on words while the other 93% is based on nonverbal communication, also known as body language. The words â€Å"I’m fine† may not always mean that everything is okay. Having the ability to hear and observe non-verbal cues allows you to understand more clearly the meaning behind the words. An email, text message or tweet can never really replace a telephone or face-to-face conversation that allows you to receive these nonverbal cues. Taking the time to build relationships through meaningful conversation will create friendships for lifetime instead of just acquaintances for today. Social media has created a generation with an addiction to over sharing, a need for popularity and a desire for constant communication. This ability to interact with other people 24/7 has driven us to simply share information rather than requiring us to develop relationships. We have moved away from social gatherings with face-to-face conversations in lieu of chat rooms and instant messaging. I do not look forward to the day when we will never have to physically interact with another human being.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Social Work Theories for Neglected Children

Social Work Theories for Neglected Children Critically evaluate the contributions of theory, research, legislation and policy to social work practice in relation to one aspect of practice in one of the following: Children and Families. In this essay I am going to critically evaluate the contributions of theory, research, legislation and policy to social work practice in relation to looked after children who experience neglect. Erickson and Egeland (2002) argue that there are five types of neglect; emotional, medical, physical, mental health and educational neglect and these can all impact negatively on a child. I have chosen to concentrate on middle aged children around the ages of five to ten years of age who have experienced neglect because neglect is one of the most identified forms of child abuse and can have serious effects on children of this age (Mennon et al, 2010). According to the DfES (2014) 62% of looked after children are looked after because of abuse or neglect. Therefore it is important to evaluate how theory, research, legislation and policy can contribute to social workers understanding of neglect and how social workers can support children in overcoming these effects. I appreciate that children wh o become looked after due to neglect often experience other forms of abuse and these can have further negative effects on children (Mennon et al, 2010), however because this essay aims to be prescriptive rather than exhaustive I have chosen to concentrate on middle aged children who experience neglect. Research has made a significant contribution to social work practice in relation to looked after children who experience neglect. The majority of research concentrating on children who experience neglect (Mennon et al, 2010; Trickett and McBride Chang, 1995; Hildyard and Wolfe, 2002) has tended to show that the risk factors associated with neglect can significantly hinder children’s growth and development. Children who are neglected tend to live in poverty, with a lack of parental care, parents may be misusing substances, parents may have mental health problems, one parent may be experiencing domestic violence, and poor prenatal and postnatal care can all lead to a child being neglected by their parents (Pelton, 1994). Research has shown that children who are neglected tended to have the lowest academic grades (Eckenrode, Laird and Dorris). Studies have found that children of school age who were neglected showed social and behavioural problems, they were socially withdrawn, un popular with other children and socially isolated (Erickson and Egeland, 2002 and Trickett and McBride Chang, 1995). Hildyard and Wolfe (2002) found that children who were severely neglected impacted detrimentally on children’s emotional well-being. Therefore, the factors associated with neglect can impact negatively on a child’s normal development and have adverse effects, which is why it is vital for social workers to understand the impact of neglect on children so they can target the most effective interventions to help children overcome the effects. However, it could be argued that there is a lack of research that specifically relates to children who are looked after and experience neglect. Many children who are neglected who are involved with child protection services will have interventions targeted at them in order to prevent neglect from continuing and children do not always become looked after. For example, a child who is being neglected because their parents have substance misuse problems may not end up being taken in to care because the parents seek help for their problems. Or a parent who is being abused may move away from the abusive partner which enhances their ability to parent the child. Much of the research tends to concentrate on how social workers in child protection services can help families where children are experiencing neglect. Arguably therefore there is a lack of research which specifically looks at how the two compounding issues of neglect and being looked after impacts on children. Despite this, the research exploring the effects of neglect on children help social workers understand the impact of neglect on children who are looked after and how this hinders their development which they can then consider when undertaking assessments. This can then help social workers decide what intervention is needed to promote a child’s health and well-being. Attachment theory for instance is invaluable in understanding why looked after children experience some of the adverse effects that they do (Trickett and McBride Chang, 1995). Howe argues that attachment theory is â€Å"very useful to child welfare and adoption workers† (1995: 136) because it can explain children’s behaviour which can help social workers target the most effective interventions (Howe, 2005). Attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby, argued that children need â€Å"secure attachments to their mother in order for them to be stable individuals in later life† (Dunk-west, 2013: 42 ). Attachment theory suggests that children who grow up without a secure caregiver have difficulty forming stable social relationships in later life. The lack of a warm and secure relationship with a caregiver during early childhood can lead to a child experiencing adverse effects, such as delinquent behaviour and depression (Howe, 1995). Therefore children who have been neglected are likely to have insecure attachments because of the lack of care and nurturance they received growing up (Hildyard and Wolfe, 2002). Attachment theory can therefore contribute significantly to social work practice because it helps social workers in their assessments to understand the child’s needs. It also helps social workers understand the need to place looked after children who have experienced neglect in stable placements so they can develop secure attachments to their new caregivers (Howe, 2005; Cocker and Allain, 2008). This can support the emotional and social development of children and is central in building resilience (Crawford and Walker, 2007). To ensure placements are stable and secure attachments can develop; social workers must carry out good quality assessments and develop robust care plans (Cocker and Allain, 2008). Social workers must then frequently assess children in their new placements and assess the quality o f their new attachments with their new caregivers, continually updating the care plan to ensure they are supporting the child’s social and emotional development (Cocker and Allain, 2008). However, Dunk-West (2013) argues that whilst attachment theory is important, it is vital to assess children within their social contexts. The inequalities looked after children face can be more effectively explained by using an ecological approach. Walter (2007) argued in his study that a combination of risks and multiple stressors can lead to adverse effects for looked after children and therefore a holistic approach such as the ecological model can help social workers to do that. Using Brofenbrenner’s (1979) theory for example, within the micro system a social worker could assess that a looked after child who has been neglected is highly likely to have had very little parental support and there may have been family conflict and this could have been because of characteristics within the exo system of a child’s life. Their exo system is likely to have been characterized by poverty and living in a deprived neighbourhood. For example, parents may argue because of the stre ss of living in poverty or engage in excessive drinking or drug taking to try and cope with the stress of living in poverty which then affects their ability to parent effectively and provide children with adequate support or supervision. Furthermore, within the macro system looked after children are aware that society perceives them as a group of children that are deemed as at risk (Walter, 2007). For example, in Care and Prejudice (2009) an Ofsted study that interviewed three hundred children in care found that half the children in their study felt that the public held negative stereotypes about them, such as being delinquent and troublemakers. Looked after children felt heavily discriminated against and felt that this impacted on their ability to do well academically, build friendships and gain employment (Care and Prejudice, 2009). Therefore, it could be argued using an ecological approach that looked after children who experience neglect have poorer outcomes than other children because of the multiple social and environmental factors that impact on parents capacity to parent effectively (McAuley and Davis, 2009). It could be argued that attachment theory is matriarchal in nature. For example, Bowlby’s work in particular which was developed in the 1950s is arguably sexist because the primary caregiver is assumed to be the mother (Beckett, 2006). Yet more recent work on attachment theory has reframed attachment as not meaning attachment to the mother. In modern society as more women have entered the labour market, children are increasingly taken care of by multiple figures; this can include the father, childminders or grandparents (Dunk West, 2013; Nicolsen et al, 2006). Children tend to attach and bond to multiple key figures, male and female (Beckett, 2006). Despite this, research does tend to demonstrate how fathers are marginalized by social workers in children services and are poorly engaged. This can be particularly detrimental for children who are looked after because social workers potentially lose a valuable asset for children (Brigid and Taylor, 2000). Brigid and Taylor (2000) also argued that legislation and policy does not contribute effectively enough to guide social workers in how to challenge traditional gender assumptions, nor does legislation give clear guidance for engaging fathers. For instance, it was only from 2003 that fathers who were not married to the mother of their child acquired parental responsibility automatically even if he was on the birth certificate. Prior to this change in legislation a father could only acquire parental responsibility by a written agreement with the mother or by applying to court (Cocker and Allain, 2008). Therefore, it could be argued that the earlier work of attachment theory has heavi ly influenced social workers in children’s services. The importance of the attachment to the mother has been persistent and as a result social workers have often marginalized fathers (Brigid and Taylor, 2000). Attachment theory has therefore arguably contributed negatively to looked after children because social workers are still heavily influenced by its matriarchal nature. Legislation however underpins how social workers should support looked after children and therefore makes a huge contribution to looked after children who experience neglect, in particular the Children’s Act 1989 and Children’s Act 2004. Under section 22 of the Children Act 1989 there is a duty on the local authority ‘to safeguard and promote the child’s welfare’ (Branye and Carr, 2013: 291) it looks after. The Children’s Act 2004 added an additional duty on local authorities to promote the child’s educational achievements. When a child is subject to a care order or interim care order, social workers become the looked after child’s â€Å"corporate parent† and share parental responsibility with the birth parents. Therefore the local authority becomes responsible for a child’s care and achieving positive outcomes (Cocker and Allain, 2008). For example, ‘Section 7 of the Education Act 1996 states that parents hav e a duty to ensure their children are suitably educated’ (Cocker and Allain, 2008: 138), social workers as a corporate parent therefore share this duty with the birth parents (Cocker and Allain, 2008). As a result of this legislation looked after children are given a designated teacher who ensures they have a personal education plan which sets out developmental and educational needs and identifies targets (Cocker and Allain, 2008). Personal education plan meetings are then held twice a year to assess the child’s educational progress. Research has shown that looked after children tend to achieve lower grades at school than their peers and has therefore arguably heavily influenced legislation. In addition, local authorities have a duty to monitor children’s developmental progress and so children receive medicals once a year. This is all part of safeguarding and promoting the child’s welfare. CAMHS involvement may also be necessary if the child has additional therapeutic needs (Cocker and Allain, 2008). The Children’s Act 2004 made it mandatory for different agencies to work collaboratively and share responsibility for vulnerable children and this includes looked after children so social workers have a duty to work with a range of professionals in order to promote the well being of children. Legislation is therefore central to working with looked after children as it mandates how social workers should support looked after children. Despite parental responsibility being shared, the local authority can overrule birth parents but social workers must work in partnership with parents or anybody else with parental responsibility and consult them when making any decisions regarding the child’s welfare (Cocker and Allain, 2008). However, partnership working with parents in practice can be extremely difficult for social workers when parents do not agree with their decisions regarding the child. For example, a number of studies have highlighted how challenging it is for social workers to work in partnership with parents and take their wishes into account when a decision is made to permanently remove a child (Clifford and Burke, 2004; Charlton et al, 1998). Working in partnership with parents therefore becomes extremely challenging for social workers as they try to take the parent’s wishes in to account but also trying to act in the best interests of the child and gather evidence to explain why the child sho uld not return home. Furthermore, Wigley et al’s (2006) study found that social workers often faced challenges when trying to collaborate with schools, as they either did not implement personal education plans or they did not communicate effectively with social workers which made it difficult to work in partnership with educational professionals. In addition, social workers under Section 22 of the Children’s Act 1989 must also consult the child about their wishes before any decision is made and this is a key principle of the Children’s Act 1989. However, a number of studies have found that children felt they were not listened to by social workers. They often felt powerless and had very little say about their placements (Morgan, 2006; Wigley et al, 2006). It is vital for children to feel listened to so they can develop a sense of self-efficacy (Schofield and Beek, 2006) which Rutter (1985) suggests is a key factor in building resilience. It could be argued however that in many cases the child could not understand why they were being moved to a different placement and did not understand that social workers were trying to act in their best interests. Therefore, legislation although good in principle, is arguably not always effectively put in to social work practice in relation to looked after children. Care Matters: Time for change (DfES, 2007) is a major policy framework for looked after children and is similar to legislation because it stresses the importance of improving the educational, health and emotional needs of children (Cocker and Allain, 2008). In particular, Care Matters suggests that educational attainment needs to be improved, looked after children should be prioritised in school admissions, health outcomes for looked after children should be improved, and placements need to be more local and stable and this can be delivered through high quality assessment and care planning (DfES, 2007). In addition, Care Matters suggests that children should be helped to engage in leisure activities and hobbies, which can help children to build their self-esteem and build support networks and friendships. Rutter (1985) suggested that a sense of self-esteem and confidence is vitally important to help children build resilience. Jaffee et al (2007) defines resilience as â€Å"achieving normal development in the face of considerable adversity†. Therefore, policy has made a vital contribution to social work practice in relation to looked after children. However, with local authorities facing a fourth year of cuts to funding and with increasing numbers of children going in to care (McNicoll and Stothart, 2014) it could be argued that it is causing increasing pressure for social workers to implement policy effectively in to practice. In particular, some local authorities arehaving to make cuts to foster placements making it increasingly difficult for social workers to find high quality placements for children who have high level and complex needs (McNicoll and Stothart, 2014). This makes it extremely challenging for social workers to find placements that are local and stable for children. To conclude, it is evident that theory, research, legislation and policy have all made a major contribution to social work practice in relation to looked after children who experience neglect. Research has heavily influenced legislation and policy, which in turn underpins social work practice in relation to looked after children. In addition, attachment theory has helped social workers to understand why looked after children may behave in the way they do and the ecological approach helps social workers to understand why looked after children experience inequalities and tend to have poorer outcomes than children in the rest of the population. These theories help social workers when carrying out their assessments and finding the most effective interventions to support looked after children who have experienced neglect. However, it is evident that policy and legislation cannot always easily be applied effectively in to practice because of the challenges of working in partnership with bi rth families who may oppose the child’s permanency plan and children who may not understand that the social worker is acting in their best interests. In addition, attachment theory is arguably quite matriarchal in nature and this has influenced social workers and has resulted in fathers being marginalised. Furthermore, social workers may not have the time or resources to provide the most appropriate support to looked after children and this is a weakness of the ecological approach and policy. Despite this, it is evident that theory, research, legislation and policy have all made a significant contribution to social work practice in relation to looked after children who have experienced neglect.

Job Security And Motivation Of Employees

Job Security And Motivation Of Employees Information Technology is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications. The term in its modern sense first appeared in a 1958 article published in the Harvard Business Review, in which authors Leavitt and Whisler commented that the new technology does not yet have a single established name. We shall call it information technology (IT). IT is the area of managing technology and spans wide variety of areas that include but are not limited to things such as processes, computer software, information systems, computer hardware, programming languages, and data constructs. In short, anything that renders data, information or perceived knowledge in any visual format whatsoever, via any multimedia distribution mechanism, is considered part of the IT domain. IT provides businesses with four sets of core services to help execute the business strategy: business process automation, providing information, connecting with customers, and productivity tools. IT professionals perform a variety of functions (IT Disciplines/Competencies) that ranges from installing applications to designing complex computer networks and information databases. A few of the duties that IT professionals perform may include data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, as well as management and administration of entire systems. Information technology is starting to spread further than the conventional personal computer and network technologies, and more into integrations of other technologies such as the use of cell phones, televisions, automobiles, and more, which is increasing the demand for such jobs. In the recent past, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Association for Computing Machinery have collaborated to form accreditation and curriculum standards for degrees in Information Technology as a distinct field of study as compared to Computer Science and Information Systems today. SIGITE (Special Interest Group for IT Education) is the ACM working group for defining these standards. The Worldwide IT services revenue totaled $763 billion in 2009. DOMAIN OF THE IT INDUSTRY: A wide variety of services come under the domain of the information technology industry. Systems architecture Database design and development Networking Application development Testing Documentation Maintenance and hosting Operational support Security services GROWTH POTENTIAL: The strong demand for electronic hardware and software in India has been fuelled by a variety of drivers including the high growth rate of the economy, emergence of a vast domestic market catering to the new generation of young consumers, a thriving middleclass populace with increasing disposable incomes and a relatively low-cost work force having advanced technical skills. Indeed, the Government has also identified growth of this sector as a thrust area as there remains great expectation for significant growth given the fairly low levels of penetration of technology among the 1.1 billion populations; there were only 60 million Internet users in 2009, 7 million DVD players and personal computers were sold in 2008-09, and 11 million new mobile subscribers were added every month in the same period. In this scenario there is now a big opportunity to step up the production to gain higher global share besides meeting the domestic demands. The Indian IT sector has also built a strong reputation for its high standards of software development ability, service quality and information security in the foreign market- which has been acknowledged globally and has helped enhance buyer confidence. The industry continues its drive to set global benchmarks in quality and information security through a combination of provider and industry-level initiatives and strengthening the overall frameworks, creating greater awareness and facilitating wider adoption of standards and best practices. FUTURE OF INDIAN IT INDUSTRY: The Indian IT sector persists to be one of the flourishing sectors of Indian financial system indicating a speedy expansion in the coming years. As per NASSCOM, the Indian IT exports are anticipated to attain US$ 175 billion by 2020 out of which the domestic sector will account for US$ 50 billion in earnings. In total the export and domestic IT sector are expected to attain profits amounting to US$ 225 billion along with new prospects from BRIC nations and Japan for its outsourcing operations. The industry is likely to continue growing from strength to strength, as local players incorporate best in class practices from global counterparts whilst retaining their edge in terms of lower cost of labor and focused governmental investments. New graduates with degrees in related fields such as electrical engineering and computer science can hope to achieve significant professional growth and a healthy remuneration from companies looking to hire the best talent available, given the high proportion that leave to pursue jobs in this sector overseas. IT professionals perform a variety of duties ranging from data management, networking, engineering computer hardware, database and software design, to the management and Administration of entire system. With the already high penetration of conventional personal computer and network technology, coupled with the growing convergence of information. In order to perform the complex functions required of information technology departments today, the modern Information Technology Department would use computers, servers, database and cryptography. The department would be made up of several System Administrators, Database Administrators and at least one Information Technology Manager. The group usually reports to the Chief Information Officer (CIO). FEATURES OF THE IT INDUSTRY AT A GLANCE: Economies of scale for the information technology industry are high. The marginal cost of each unit of additional software or hardware is insignificant compared to the value addition that results from it. Unlike other common industries, the IT industry is knowledge-based. Efficient utilization of skilled labor forces in the IT sector can help an economy achieve a rapid pace of economic growth. Adversely impacted by the recent rupee-dollar volatility and the slowdown in the global economy, the IT sector is treading cautiously on salary rewards. Therefore study of influence of the global crisis on employees is crucial. Introduction to variables Independent variable: Global Crisis Dependent variable: Job Security Motivation Global Crisis Since 2007, nations around the world experienced a series of major economic and financial problems. The events began with the financial crisis of 2007-2008, considered by many economists to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The 2008-09 global meltdown was a fallout of corporate greed, malpractices and lack of government control. Banks and companies collapsed for their own fault. While the band-aid came in the form of government bail-outs or, in simple terms, socialising private losses, one has to bear in mind that we are no longer looking at the prospect of failing companies or banks It resulted in the threat of total collapse of large financial institutions, the bailout of banks by national governments, and downturns in stock markets around the world. In many areas, the housing market also suffered, resulting in evictions, foreclosures and prolonged unemployment. The crisis played a significant role in the failure of key businesses, declines in c onsumer wealth estimated in trillions of US dollars, and a downturn in economic activity leading to the 2008-2012 global recession and contributing to the European sovereign-debt crisis. Job security Job security is the probability that an individual will keep his or her job and high level of job security is such that a person with the job would have a small chance of becoming unemployed. There are several factors which affect job security such as economy, prevailing business conditions, and the individuals personal skills. It has been found that people have more job security in times of economic expansion and less in times of a recession. Also, some laws (such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964) bolster job security by making it illegal to fire employees for certain reasons. Unemployment rate is a good indicator of job security and the state of the economy and is tracked by economists, government officials, and banks. Typically, government jobs and jobs in education, healthcare and law enforcement are considered very secure while private sector jobs are generally believed to offer lower job security and it usually varies by industry, location, occupation and other factors. Personal factors such as education, work experience, job functional area, work industry, work location, etc., play an important role in determining the need for an individuals services, and impacts th eir personal job security. Since job security depends on having the necessary skills and experience that are in demand by employers, which in turn depend on the prevailing economic condition and business environment, individuals whose services are in demand by employers will tend to enjoy higher job security. To some extent, job security also varies by employment laws of each country. A worker in Continental Europe, if asked about his job security, would reply by naming the type of statutory employment contract he has, ranging from temporary (no job security) to indefinite (virtually equivalent to tenure in US universities but across the whole economy). However, peoples job security eventually depends on whether they are employable or not, and if businesses have a need for their skills or not, so although employment laws can offer some relief and hedge from unemployment risk, they only have a marginal contribution to job security of individuals. Individuals need to have the right skill set to have good job security. Job security index is a measure of job conditions. Developed by Scorelogix, Job Security Index is represents how economic factors, internet and computers, international trade and competition,outsourcing, off-shoring, job migration, etc., are impacting the demand and supply of employment. A higher Job Security Index for a region, such as a ZIP code, county or metropolitan statistical area (MSA), indicates that people in that region have a better opportunity of finding jobs and remaining employed. A lower Job Security Index for a ZIP or county means that job are relatively difficult to find and keep. Typically, cities and counties that have a larger concentration of government jobs or education related jobs have a higher Job Security Index values as these jobs are less impacted by the economy. Motivation The processes that account for an individuals intensity,direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal -specifically, an organizational goal. Three key elements: Intensity how hard a person tries Direction effort that is channelled toward, and consistent with, organizational goals Persistence how long a person can maintain effort Motivation is an individual internal process that energizes, directs, and sustains behaviour and acts as a personal force that causes us to behave in a particular way. Classical theories of motivation Maslows hierarchy of needs theory Abraham Maslow is well renowned for proposing the Hierarchy of Needs Theory in 1943. This theory is a classical depiction of human motivation. This theory is based on the assumption that there is a hierarchy of five needs within each individual. The urgency of these needs varies. These five needs are as follows- Physiological needs- These are the basic needs of air, water, food, clothing and shelter. In other words, physiological needs are the needs for basic amenities of life. Safety needs- Safety needs include physical, environmental and emotional safety and protection. For instance- Job security, financial security, protection from animals, family security, health security, etc. Social needs- Social needs include the need for love, affection, care, belongingness, and friendship. Esteem needs- self- respect, confidence, competence, achievement ,freedom, recognition, power, status, attention and admiration Self-actualization need- This include the urge to become what you are capable of becoming / what you have the potential to become. It includes the need for growth and self-contentment According to Maslow, individuals are motivated by unsatisfied needs. As each of these needs is significantly satisfied, it drives and forces the next need to emerge. Herzbergs Two Factor Theory of Motivation In 1959, Frederick Herzberg, a behavioural scientist proposed a two-factor theory or the motivator-hygiene theory. According to Herzberg, there are some job factors that result in satisfaction while there are other job factors that prevent dissatisfaction. According to Herzberg, the opposite of Satisfaction is No satisfaction and the opposite of Dissatisfaction is No Dissatisfaction. Hygiene factors are those job factors which are essential for existence of motivation at workplace. These do not lead to positive satisfaction for long-term. But if these factors are absent / if these factors are non-existent at workplace, then they lead to dissatisfaction.It includes pay ,company policies,fringe benefits etc. Motivation factors According to Herzberg, the hygiene factors cannot be regarded as motivators. The motivational factors yield positive satisfaction. These factors are inherent to work. These factors motivate the employees for a superior performance. These factors are called satisfiers. It includes Recognition, sense of achievement, growth etc. Theory X and Theory Y In 1960, Douglas McGregor formulated Theory X and Theory Y suggesting two aspects of human behaviour at work, or in other words, two different views of individuals (employees): one of which is negative, called as Theory X and the other is positive, so called as Theory Y. According to McGregor, the perception of managers on the nature of individuals is based on various assumptions. Assumptions of Theory X An average employee intrinsically does not like work and tries to escape it whenever possible. Since the employee does not want to work, he must be persuaded, compelled, or warned with punishment so as to achieve organizational goals. A close supervision is required on part of managers. The managers adopt a more dictatorial style. Many employees rank job security on top, and they have little or no aspiration/ ambition. Employees generally dislike responsibilities. Employees resist change. An average employee needs formal direction Assumptions of Theory Y Employees can perceive their job as relaxing and normal. They exercise their physical and mental efforts in an inherent manner in their jobs. Employees may not require only threat, external control and coercion to work, but they can use self-direction and self-control if they are dedicated and sincere to achieve the organizational objectives. If the job is rewarding and satisfying, then it will result in employees loyalty and commitment to organization. An average employee can learn to admit and recognize the responsibility. In fact, he can even learn to obtain responsibility. The employees have skills and capabilities. Their logical capabilities should be fully utilized. In other words, the creativity, resourcefulness and innovative potentiality of the employees can be utilized to solve organizational problems. Thus, we can say that Theory X presents a pessimistic view of employees nature and behaviour at work, while Theory Y presents an optimistic view of the employees nature and behaviour at work Modern theories of motivation ERG theory of motivation To bring Maslows need hierarchy theory of motivation in synchronization with empirical research, Clayton Alderfer redefined it in his own terms. His rework is called as ERG theory of motivation. He recategorized Maslows hierarchy of needs into three simpler and broader classes of needs: Existence needs- These include need for basic material necessities. In short, it includes an individuals physiological and physical safety needs. Relatedness needs- These include the aspiration individuals have for maintaining significant interpersonal relationships (be it with family, peers or superiors), getting public fame and recognition. Maslows social needs and external component of esteem needs fall under this class of need. Growth needs- These include need for self-development and personal growth and advancement. Maslows self-actualization needs and intrinsic component of esteem needs fall under this category of need. McClellands theory of motivation David McClelland and his associates proposed McClellands theory of Needs / Achievement Motivation Theory. This theory states that human behaviour is affected by three needs Need for Power, Achievement and Affiliation. Need for achievement is the urge to excel, to accomplish in relation to a set of standards, to struggle to achieve success. Need for power is the desire to influence other individuals behaviour as per your wish. In other words, it is the desire to have control over others and to be influential. Need for affiliationis a need for open and sociable interpersonal relationships. In other words, it is a desire for relationship based on co-operation and mutual understanding. Goal setting theory In 1960s, Edwin Locke put forward the Goal-setting theory of motivation. This theory states that goal setting is essentially linked to task performance. It states that specific and challenging goals along with appropriate feedback contribute to higher and better task performance. In simple words, goals indicate and give direction to an employee about what needs to be done and how much efforts are required to be put in. Reinforcement theory Reinforcement theory of motivation was proposed by BF Skinner and his associates. It states that individuals behaviour is a function of its consequences. It is based on law of effect, i.e, individuals behaviour with positive consequences tends to be repeated, but individuals behaviour with negative consequences tends not to be repeated. Reinforcement theory of motivation overlooks the internal state of individual, i.e., the inner feelings and drives of individuals are ignored by Skinner. This theory focuses totally on what happens to an individual when he takes some action. Thus, according to Skinner, the external environment of the organization must be designed effectively and positively so as to motivate the employee. This theory is a strong tool for analyzing controlling mechanism for individuals behaviour. However, it does not focus on the causes of individuals behaviour. Reinforcement theory explains in detail how an individual learns behaviour. Managers who are making attempt to motivate the employees must ensure that they do not reward all employees simultaneously. They must tell the employees what they are not doing correct. They must tell the employees how they can achieve positive reinforcement. Equity theory of motivation The core of the equity theory is the principle of balance or equity. As per this motivation theory, an individuals motivation level is correlated to his perception of equity, fairness and justice practiced by the management. Higher is individuals perception of fairness, greater is the motivation level and vice versa. While evaluating fairness, employee compares the job input (in terms of contribution) to outcome (in terms of compensation) and also compares the same with that of another peer of equal cadre/category. D/I ratio (output-input ratio) is used to make such a comparison. Assumptions of Theory The theory demonstrates that the individuals are concerned both with their own rewards and also with what others get in their comparison. Employees expect a fair and equitable return for their contribution to their jobs. Employees decide what their equitable return should be after comparing their inputs and outcomes with those of their colleagues. Employees who perceive themselves as being in an inequitable scenario will attempt to reduce the inequity either by distorting inputs and/or outcomes psychologically, by directly altering inputs and/or outputs, or by quitting the organization. Expectancy theory of motivation The expectancy theory was proposed by Victor Vroom of Yale School of Management in 1964. Vroom stresses and focuses on outcomes, and not on needs unlike Maslow and Herzberg. The theory states that the intensity of a tendency to perform in a particular manner is dependent on the intensity of an expectation that the performance will be followed by a definite outcome and on the appeal of the outcome to the individual. The Expectancy theory states that employees motivation is an outcome of how much an individual wants a reward (Valence), the assessment that the likelihood that the effort will lead to expected performance (Expectancy) and the belief that the performance will lead to reward (Instrumentality). In short,Valence is the significance associated by an individual about the expected outcome. It is an expected and not the actual satisfaction that an employee expects to receive after achieving the goals. Expectancy is the faith that better efforts will result in better performance. Expectancy is influenced by factors such as possession of appropriate skills for performing the job, availability of right resources, availability of crucial information and getting the required support for completing the job. The theory concentrates on the following three relationaships- Effort-performance relationship: What is the likelihood that the individuals effort be recognized in his performance appraisal? Performance-reward relationship: It talks about the extent to which the employee believes that getting a good performance appraisal leads to organizational rewards. Rewards-personal goals relationship: It is all about the attractiveness or appeal of the potential reward to the individual. Vroom was of view that employees consciously decide whether to perform or not at the job. This decision solely depended on the employees motivation level which in turn depends on three factors of expectancy, valence and instrumentality. Chapter 2 Review of Literature Lubna Rizvi D/O Dr Javed1* Khawaja Atif Siddiqui, 2012 The paper tells about the relationship of Motivation with organization climate, engagement, and job security in a service organization, where it is going through rightsizing. It study finds out as to how employees working in the organization perceive it and how much they feel connected to it. The level of competition in the media industry has intensified in recent years, driven by several factors such as the decline in household wealth, rising unemployment, rapid globalization, unclear economic picture. Viewers have also become extremely conscious, especially as other channels have come in the market with lot of good programming. In this scenario the aim of the organization is simply to grab as much market share as possible and that can only be done by giving attractive programming to viewers. Target will be achieved if the employees working in the organization are productive which can only be achieved if they are motivated. The focus is to examine the employee Motivation in relation to employee commitment, culture and job security. The climate of the organisation and the level of employee engagement also affects the motivation level of employees. Fatimah, O.1, Noraishah, D.2, Nasir, R.1 Khairuddin, R.1(2012) Economic instability around the world has resulted in many organizations having to lay off workers and also shutdown to save their business. This economic strain and stress have impact on the workers job satisfaction and well being through job insecurity. This paper examine the moderating effects of employment security on job security and job satisfaction and well being among workers in the banking sectors and manufacturing sectors who were most affected by the economic downturn. Participants were 600 workers of which 200 represented the workers who work in the bank, 200 in electronic industry and 200 in textile industry. They were randomly selected to participate in the research. A set of questionnaire comprising of Employment Security Scale, Job Security Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale and Well-Being Scale were used to measure the variables. Results from the multiple regression analysis showed that employment security did not moderate the relationship between job security and job sat isfaction and well being of workers. However, job security had a direct relationship with job satisfaction and well being of workers .Thus, result from this study implicated that it was not the employment security that worried the workers but the security of their job that they were holding that impacted on their job satisfaction and well-being. Impact of recession on Indian economy ET bureau Aug 8, 2011 The recession started in US has touched the boundaries of india. India is facing the position of recession as globalisation showing its negative scenario. It is a phase wherein rupee depreciates, cash crunches, money market slowdown, inflation rises. During this period it is difficult to get money from the pockets of individuals. If the producer starts reducing the price of the commodity believing that the customers will buy it, it can happen only when he cuts the cost of production. Cost cutting means reduction in variable cost. As the price of steel ,iron , equipments , machinery are touching sky , the only option left to reduce the cost is by reducing the employees. Hence people fear job security. In the fear of job security people are generally shifting their purchasing. Mehri, iqbal, hekmat, ishak,2011 To achieve the competitive advantage in the current changing and dynamic environment satisfied human capital has become a strategically very important for the organizations. During the past decade the financial crises has shattered the economic stability of different economies all over the world. A phenomenal change has been witnessed in the banking industry of Iran in recent years, due to the liberal reforms executed by the Central Bank of Iran and the effective restructuring of banks. This research demonstrates how a global financial crisis has recently affected the occupational and skill profiles of job in banking industry of Iran. Global economy woes force local workforce off for National Statistics(2009) Global economic firms have started to cut job in India as the economy worsens and chances of crisis in the western world aims business outlook forcing companies to scrap funds raising and MA plans. More than 200 have been laid of in investment banking. The Asian crisis of 1997 led to many including Dresdner and Societe General to close leaving scores countless. Decade later subprime crisis forced many such as Merrill and Credit Suisse to reduce headcounts. The European crisis has just started to impact. HSBC which planned to eliminate 30000 jobs worldwide has told 120 employees to search for new jobs, sacked 12 employees from executive positions from small and midium size enterprise while Credit Suisse ,the second biggest swiss financial services has already aid more than 14 people from India wealth management team A study on facets of HR during slowdown phase Ram Anand , Sr. Faculty ,IPE, Hyderabad Hr departments of Indian organisations have faced many issues in managing people during the slowdown phase. The role of HR and HR interventions administered in organisations during this phase served as an opportunity to survive and face the slowdown is the premise is studied in this paper. The comprehensive view on the various HR interventions during the downturn ensures an understanding of the HR strategies adopted by the organisations to overcome the slowdown phase. The intent of the paper is to provide a template for organisations to focus on HR interventions during slowdown phases which may occur in future. These strategies facilitate the organisations during the slowdown phase. Randall, Oct 2008 Many businesses have frozen wages and many have cut wages by as much as 10%. As the economy has started recovering, organisations income statements may be starting to look decent. But what would they look like with previous pay levels restored is the question. With unemployment around 10% ,employees retention hasnt been much of an issue but that wont last forever so it may be prudent to begin restoring compensation sooner rather than later, especially for key employees. During the meltdown some businesses eliminated entire job functions from overheads. Those cuts may not be sustainable in the growing economy, so a decision must be made. Many businesses hav deferred maintanence on buildings and equipments and cut back on employee training. Organisations cant afford to let important physical and human assest deteriorate. Tih Koon Tan, 2008 By using a sample of 277 firms from eight East Asian economies, the relationship between financial distress and firm performance during the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-1998 was tested. The crisis provides an exogenous shock which reduces the endogeneity issues between firm performance and leverage. The results from this study reaffirm that firms with low financial leverage tend to perform better than firms with high financial leverage. Additionally, the crisis magnifies the negative relationship between financial distress and firm performance. High leverage firms experience worse performance during a crisis. Limitation of the study is that the sample contains firms from eight countries. For those countries with an adequate number of firms, a separate study to analyze the individual country to provide more insights on what might be driving the results is planned. Chapter 3 Research Methodology Problem statement The research will be conducted to find out the impact of financial crisis on job security and motivation of employees working in the IT companies in Bangalore. The existing literature supports the view that the sensitivity of employee motivation and job security level magnifies during financial crisis.This study is important to company employees as it will show how the financial crises can disturb their jobs. Research design Based on different views of authors and literature review a conceptual framework was developed which determined the association between the impact of global crisis , job motivation and job security by a questionnaire. Correlation and Regression analysis was used to support the above model. Objective To study the relationship bet

Friday, October 25, 2019

Benito Juarez Essay -- essays research papers

Benito Juarez was one of the most prominent and resourceful leaders in Mexico’s history. He raised the standard of living and championed the poor. However, it took Juarez half his life to become such a dominant political figure. He was born in San Paulo Guelatao in the Mexican State of Oaxaca. His parents were Indians, and he was raised a shepherd boy. His parents died when he was three, leaving Benito to his unmarried uncle. His uncle believed that the only way for him to better his place in society was to become a priest. So, on December 18, 1818, Benito at the age of twelve ran away to the city to learn. He entered the city penniless, and didn’t even speak the language. He soon got a job helping a bookbinder, and attended a parish school. He soon left the school because of discrimination, and social class divisions. He worked, and was then able to enroll in the Holy Cross Seminary. Benito did not want to become a priest, but the free education kept him there. Then, at 22 he entered the Institute of Sciences and Arts, and he studies Physics, and then law. In 1831 he finished his studies, and went to work in a law office. That same year, at age 25 he was elected to the position of city alderman. Then, in 1833 he was elected to the Oaxaca State legislature. Next, in 1834 he became the attorney for the state. Governments changed, as was characteristic in Latin America, and he was thrown in jail. He then was released, and gained support of both Libe...

Body Communication :: essays research papers

The methodology of the social sciences has evolved slowly. In this evolution, criticism has always performed an important function. Through the continuous interchange of ideas, information, and criticism, it became possible to institutionalize commonly accepted rules and procedures and to develop corresponding methods and techniques. This system of rules and procedures is the normative component of the scientific methodology. It defines the â€Å"rules of the game,† and these in turn enable communication, constructive criticism, and scientific progress. Knowledge comes from experience. By observing what is happening around us in our every day lives, we gain knowledge through visual digestion of our environment. Body communication of other people helps you to know and understand how you will interact with that person or audience. Communicating successfully in front of an audience requires actions and qualities not found in writing. Facial expressions, gestures, and appearance are important qualities for communicating in front of an audience. Posture, I feel is most important. You should stand erect, but relaxed with your weight apportioned on both feet, avoid leaning and slouching. Feeling comfortable while you stand will give you a natural feeling about yourself. Movement while you are speaking can help you, but if done incorrectly it may harm you. You should move from side to side, rather than back and forth. This should not be a continuous motion, you do not want to look petrified. Moving physically may decrease nervousness, especially as you approach the lectern. Emphasis in stressing a point while speaking using facial gestures. The audience will follow you more easily when your movement suggests an idea of importance and holds the groups attention. Your appearance and facial expressions allow the audience to determine how you feel about your topic. On the other hand if you are frowning or glaring you may convey non-verbal impressions that you are worried, angry, or not interested. Your enthusiasm will reflect upon your listeners. Gestures such as hand, arm, shoulder, and head movement are used to emphasize, such as a rejection by raising your hand or making a fist. You can also use your hands to point at an object or describe the size of something. Communication can be done without speaking. It is amazing how we can express ourselves in this carefree way. It is important to feel good when you speak, This will make you more relaxed and your words will flow with ease.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Locating Topics of Interest

Locating Topics of Interests Sam Johnson Northeastern university Are Female College Athletes pressured Into dysfunctional eating disorder to malting thin physical features? Female student athletes have a dual roll in trying to maintain academic and athletic excellence while in college. These athletes are expected to perform at the highest athletic level possible, and then asked to sustain their physical appearance. â€Å"For some female college athletes, such concerns and pressures may contribute to eating disorders or disordered eating behaviors† (Greengage et al. 009, IPPP).I believe female student athletes shouldn't feel pressured into complying with society needs, by totally ignoring their own. Greengage, C. , Petrel, T. A. , Carter, J. , & Reel, J. J. (2009). Female collegiate athletes: prevalence of eating disorders and disordered eating behaviors. Journal of American college Health, 57(5), 489-495. Athletes, and how weight issues may play a contributing part to this dis order. The authors will also observe the female student athletes surroundings, which may play a major role in how these students identify themselves as being over weight which loud lead to unhealthy dieting.Furthermore, the authors will monitor the mental capacity of these female students' athletes while trying desperately to lose pounds for their team or individual sport. The authors have decided to use the â€Å"Questionnaire for Eating Disorder Diagnosis† (Greengage, Petri, Carter, and Reel, 2009, IPPP) feeling it gives more precise results than other questionnaires. The survey will use approximately two hundred female student athletes who participate in collegiate team or individual sports, from the southern region of America.Several questions pertaining to weight management, and certain types of eating miscues female student athletes may or may not practice daily, due to self dissatisfaction with their physical appearance. The questionnaires revealed over fifty percent o f the female student athletes were disappointed with their current fitness status. In addition almost ninety percent thought they need to lose a significant amount of mass in order for them to feel good about themselves.Approximately twenty percent of the female student athletes disclose they overindulge in eating more than four to six months, and over twenty- eve percent revealed that workout at least two hours daily to maintain a fit physique. Almost one fourth of the female student athletes admit to having a serious eating disorder and would like to receive help to resolve their negative weight control issues, but due to the negative pressures around them to stay fit, most of the female athletes fall prey to some type of eating disorder.Do college student athletes have the ability to truly succeed in an academic environment? College student athletes must Juggle practice and classroom assignments daily, and do the best they can to study for test without any rest. Student athletes have always carried a label of being â€Å"single-minded, narcissistic individuals who concentrate only on their athletic career† (Chem.., Mason, Middleton, and Salary, 2013). Student athletes must be given the opportunity to prove with the proper study time, they can achieve the same success as any other student.Chem.., S. , Mason, N. , Middleton, S. , & Salary, W. (2013). An examination of behavioral data and testing scores as indicators of student-athletes' academic success. KEEPERS journal, 51(1), 34-42. The author examines the attitudes and statistics of student athletes and their academic performance and motives while in college. Chem.. Et al. Study the reports on how often do student athlete's research class materials, go to class, and participate in class lectures.The author explores the stability between student athletes performing at the high athletic levels and achieving academic success. Middleton, and Salary, 2013, pep), which covered the basic inquires desired b y the authors. Roughly one hundred ninety student athlete applicants were surveyed, which approximately sixty-eight percent of them were male and thirty-two percent were female. The survey also covered a student athlete's grade level, nationality, team sport participation and what academic year was it for them.The authors revealed as long as student athletes didn't exceed more than twenty hours a week in athletic activities, each athlete had the ability to balance both athletic and academics. Furthermore, student athletes fell short academically when overworked in their team sport, and not given enough time to study. These findings defend the idea that student athletes only go to college to participate in team or individual sports. It shows when given the proper time to study student athletes can accomplish the same success as regular education students.University coaches must encourage student athletes to achieve academic success first without consequence for deciding to become a s cholar first. Do College Student Athletes have gambling problem which can lead to gambling addiction? Gambling is a habit most individuals can't handle, especially when discussing regular university students or student athletes. â€Å"Gambling among student athletes represents a multifaceted problem† (Elongated et al. 08, IPPP), it is not a racial or certain gender addiction, this is a problem that could have young adults with thousands of dollars in debt. Elongated, S. , Jacobs, D. , Deterrents, J. , Guppy, R. , & Passes, T. (2008). Gambling behavior among college student-athletes. Journal of Applied Sports Psychology, 20(3), 349-362. The authors investigate the possible serious gambling problems among male and female college student athletes. Elongated et al. Explores the competitive nature of student athletes, and how gambling could lead to more dishonest practices by student athletes.In addition the authors examines the reasoning behind student athletes gambling, could th is be a result from student athletes not having enough resources in college which directs them to take a chance on gambling. Elongated et al. Determined to receive accurate results decided to use the â€Å"2003 NCAA National Study on Collegiate Sports Wagering and Associated Health-Risk Behaviors† (Elongated, Jacobs, Deterrents, Guppy, and Passes, 2008). The survey received over twenty thousand participants, with roughly sixty percent male student athletes and forty percent female student athletes.The study asked over 100 questions about gambling habits, the amount wagered, who were you betting on and what type of gambling games do you like to participate in. The authors revealed that over fifty percent of the participants admitted to gambling the year before, over eight percent admitted to gambling every week, and over three percent admitted they had real gambling issue. There were various of the male and female student athletes disclosed, it really didn't matter what game t hey played, Just as long as it was a gambling game for revenue.


Raphael Visual analysis assignment, discussing Raphael and the fresco, The School of Athens, (1510-1511). It measures 5. 79 x 8. Mom and is housed in The Stanza Della Signature, Vatican, Rome. Rafael Sansei or Saint (1483 – died Rome 1520) was a major art figure in the age of the Renaissance. He was â€Å"one of the greatest portrait artists of all time and one of the greatest painters of classical figure groups†l Gerard El grand in his studies of Renaissance Art agrees with this statement. â€Å"He helped to define the Italian High Renaissance. † 2 Repeal's artistic education began early.His father Giovanni Saint was a painter in the Montenegro court. Raphael in subsequent years trained as a painter and gradually surpassed his teachers. Raphael was possibly a student of Perusing as their painting style was very similar but as Raphael progressed in his studies; his compositions superseded his teacher's works. â€Å"He surpasses his influential mentor Perusing in the ren dering of tender yet powerful beauty. † 4 It was in 1508 that Raphael was summoned by Pope Julius II to work for the Vatican and it is where Raphael created the monumental work, School of Athens. In 1508 Raphael was summoned by Pope Julius II to work for the Vatican, where he produced his elaborate frescoes and established his own workshop. â€Å"5 The age of the Renaissance needs to be understood in order to study and comprehend the School of Athens fresco and its underlying meanings. The ideas and knowledge of Ancient Greece were of paramount importance at this time especially in regards to the practice of art. â€Å"It was an era when ancient practices were given a new birth. The name Renaissance was commonly used as well as other definitions, renovation and restitution.This also explains why the artists saw themselves as revolutionaries. They saw their own potential; they had a desire to exist. It was a remarkable feat of self assertion. â€Å"6 The humanist ideology an d followers of this movement helped to reinvent Classical Greek culture. Patriarch was the most famous of the humanists and was the first to put forward the idea of returning to Classical Antiquity. â€Å"That this return could only be a new beginning and not simply a matter of blind faith. â€Å"l The humanists were involved in translating ancient texts, such as Plat's Times and Aristotle Mechanical Ethics. â€Å"They also wanted to reconcile Platonism with a well assimilated Aristotelian but also with the three main religions Christianity, Judaism and Islam. 3 These rediscovered ancient texts â€Å"could restore man to a place in a cosmos that was ordered differently from the Aristotelian cosmos†. 4 Humanism and its influence transformed the Renaissance artists' practice, their methods of painting and the subjects expressed. â€Å"The ideas of the Ancient Greeks transformed the fields of philology, medicine and theology. 5 The reinterpretation of the sciences, mathemati cs and physics can be seen with the new developments in painting at this time. â€Å"To talk about ‘renaissance art' is to talk first and foremost about the broader cultural phenomenon of the Renaissance itself. 6 The Renaissance was not a time whereby the ideals of Classical Greece were Just regurgitated. It was â€Å"the imitation of antiquity which must not be interpreted as a rigid concept. â€Å"7 Certain inventions were being introduced in relation to painting during the Renaissance.Elegant gives a chronology of events in relation to the theory of perspective. 8 â€Å"In 1300 Ghetto introduced elementary rational perspective. It is legend that Ghetto drew freehand a perfect circle, firmly establishing the art of draftsmanship even though he had no grasp of mathematical science underlying it. In the 1330 and 1400 artists came aware of measurement, using guide marks to help paint the surface of the walls for frescoes. In 1342 – 4, Imbroglio Lorgnette understood the near approximation and definition of a vanishing point.It was also understood that the ancients had developed some kind of systematic perspective method, (at least in stage design). In 1425 Brucellosis ‘peepshows' demonstrated the possibility of exact coincidence of natural vision and pictorial vision in a determined space. In 1435-6, painting could be defined as a kind of window circumscribing the intersection of a flat surface with the pyramid of visual rays. In 1450 experiments in Ariel respective by Flemish painters created recession in landscape backgrounds through a series of increasingly cool and pale color zones.During 1450 – 60, there was evidence of a mixed perspective system sometimes bifocal in appearance, sometimes in separate planes, sometimes legitimate but usually based on complex calculation. In 1498 the manuscript On Divine Proportion by Luck Piccalilli was published. Historians have suggested that the diagrams within this manuscript are attributab le to Leonardo dad Vinci. â€Å"l The knowledge gained by artists through these new principles of mathematics and physics were integral in their understanding of the satirical space. The application of perspective was no longer a rudimentary affair but based on legitimate constructs according to certain laws which led to recognition of pictorial space. â€Å"2 Renaissance artists rediscovered human anatomy with the study of Classical Greek and Roman statuary. â€Å"To reproduce the third dimension of space and life of the figures by representing mass in terms of perspective, this optical realism in relation to the material world with correspondingly tonal realism. The pictorial space required the construction of perspective called oceanography which rejected the undefined representation of space in Byzantine and medieval frescoes.Based on the idea that space was homogeneous, it was conceived of as axial and could be applied to a flat surface, devised by theoreticians of art, it a imed to be natural before becoming artificial that is to say based on geometry. â€Å"3 Valley Reese describes the fresco School of Athens as â€Å"sumptuous, a vibrant and vivid intellectual scene. It has vaulted architecture, three Greek arches leading to the beautiful sky beyond. Raphael has put great effort into the space of this painting. There are echoes of the pantheon structure. The edifice is a large space and is placed in genuine antique style. 4 Wisped states that â€Å"The architecture contains roman elements but the general semi circular setting having Plato and Aristotle at its centre might be alluding to Pythagoras circumspect† 5 Jill Grayer comments that Raphael â€Å"deliberately romanticists Greek space. That he intellectualized it for a purpose. It echoes or imitates the grandest buildings in Rome the golden house of Nero' and it makes references to famous paintings. It does not represent a type of pagan worship but has a rhetorical importance. It is rhe torical fantasy. L Elegant also comments on the paintings mythical capacity. It was not a time of illusion, if myth did come into it, it was defining vital myth. â€Å"2 The Renaissance can be defined by its difference to the previous historical era, The Middle Ages. Elegant states that the â€Å"The Middle Ages was an era entirely steeped in darkness followed by the radiant dawn of the Renaissance. Although the eminent art critic, John Risking saw the Renaissance as no more than the decline of the middle ages and having at its core puritanical origins. â€Å"3 John Risking was not alone in this view as Elegant states that the Nazarene painters ND the Pre-Reappraises also saw the Renaissance in this way.In the 13th Century, the artist Ghetto represented life and used painting methods that differed from the religious art of the Middle Ages. â€Å"He still presented his figures as in a frieze but he was interested in the different contours and relief of the face and delineated the se. He introduced the everyday life into tragic or fantastical scenes not so much as the coded legend as the active life of the legendary beings depicted. â€Å"4 Elegant emphasizes the difference between these two periods of history. â€Å"The Middle Ages was â€Å"stuck in a rut of using tired old Byzantine motifs.Tuscany was virtually a cemetery of classical ruins. The Renaissance was a time when painting broke free from religious decoration. Its purpose was to no longer educate or to elicit an emotional response from the faithful but to make them participate, through their own personal experiences, in a reconfiguration of sacred history. â€Å"5 Jeanie Anderson acknowledges that religious themes still played a major role in art, during the Renaissance. â€Å"Religious art remained the most important subject matter in the Renaissance as it had been in medieval art, but now portraits and stories fromClassical Antiquity were introduced into the artists' repertoire. â€Å"6 El egant also states â€Å"that this was a time when old theoretical frameworks were demolished when the Christian universe, a strained compromise between Ptolemaic astronomy, Aristotelian cosmology and the literal teachings of the bible collapsed. † 1 The fresco School of Athens was housed in the public library of Pope Julius II. It had been a tradition during this time of the Renaissance to divide books into subjects and classification. The books in the library were divided between subjects such as philosophy, law, poetry, and theology.These books were housed underneath the frescoes. â€Å"The image above would reflect the range of books underneath. It was known that Pope Julius II used or read very few philosophical books and only read law and theology. â€Å"2 Angier Hobbs comments that â€Å"the Christian religion is taking into account and adheres to the religious and philosophical thought of the past and embraces it. † Melvyn Bragg states that â€Å"the truth is sought by philosophy and found by theology and kept by religion. â€Å"4 This painting was an expression of the time. It denounces authoritarian dogma and all religions and philosophies are being abated. They are influencing each other, a spirit of curiosity which was constantly active. The classical world chimed with a new sensibility one which was totally free of dogma. There was a lack of distinctive Judgment during this time and the opening up of thought. â€Å"5 In Repeal's painting School of Athens, the figures are identified as having different ideas. â€Å"An energetic debate is being practiced and the scholars are discussing law, astronomy, physics, philosophy, theology, mathematics, and poetry including music. â€Å"6 The Vatican library consisted of classical references, and it protected Greek culture.It was a refuge of Greek learning, as the scholars of Classical Greece had been forgotten in the intervening years before the Renaissance. â€Å"7 Jill Grayer discusse s the figures in the painting, School of Athens. â€Å"Hypoxia, a Greek Manipulations philosopher in Roman Egypt can be seen and Heron of Alexandria represents an ancient Greek mathematician and engineer. Penalties, a stoic philosopher represents poetry and Diatom of Matinee is a female philosopher who plays an important role in Plat's Symposium. She is giving Socrates the teaching of love.It is unusual to have women centrally viewed and to be given such status. Inspirational poets and painters are depicted. Euclid is represented and there are great Christian philosophers, theologians and on the other side of the room are poets and lawyers. The central main figures in the painting are of Aristotle and Plato. Plato is pointing to the sky and Aristotle is pointing towards the ground. Egyptians are personified, as well as Zoroaster who was before the time of Abraham's teachings. Statues of Greek gods are seen on either side, Apollo and Athena.Classical, pagan, Renaissance scholars and religious leaders are represented. In this painting we have the cream of intellectual thought. There is a harmonious aspect to this world as conflict is left out of the frame. (Who is better than another? ) There are plenty of philosophers not paying attention to Plato and Aristotle. It has the complexity of intellectual thought and represents the time. â€Å"l Herbert Read in his book The Meaning of Art reinforces this idea. The Renaissance was a time â€Å"where minds were consumed by intellectual curiosity. 2 Wisped suggests that â€Å"nearly every Greek philosopher can be found within the painting but determining which are depicted is difficult since Raphael made no designations outside possible likenesses and no anthropometry documents to explain the painting. Raphael had to invent a system of iconography to allude to various figures for whom there were no traditional visual types. The identities of some of the philosophers in the picture such as Plato or Aristotle are unde niable. Beyond that identification of Repeal's figures have always been hypothetical. 3 Jill Grayer states that â€Å"not a lot of people knew about Greek architecture. â€Å"4 She goes on to say that â€Å"he would not have known these texts†¦ Plato and Aristotle. He was only interested in basic knowledge of tradition. He was not a scholar but a painter. There was no evidence that Raphael had a formal education, or knowledge of Plato and Aristotle philosophy. â€Å"l Although Jill Grayer later mentions that these ideas would have been talked about and debated continuously during the â€Å"Raphael had moved to Florence in 1504 and then to Rome in about Renaissance. 1508. Both cities were major centers for High Renaissance Art.Other artists who worked in Florence were Botanical and Michelangelo and they all relied heavily on strong draftsmanship. Drawing was the basis of their paintings which is confirmed by present day x- ray bibliographic analysis which shows strong drawi ng beneath the minted surfaces†2 It was said by one of his friends, Elegant states, that it was â€Å"Repeal's greatest Joy to be taught and to teach. â€Å"3 With such changes and developments in painting and knowledge being disseminated it is unlikely that Raphael would not have been influenced by these new inventions and new discussions.Giorgio Vassar who was a close friend and contemporary of Raphael claims that he was ‘angel like'. â€Å"Raphael was modest and good. Gentle and always ready to conciliate, he was considerate of everyone. â€Å"4 Herman J Heckler introduces Vassar as a man who knew and admired Raphael. â€Å"He writes with an assurance of a an he knew, respected and loved. â€Å"5 Although Elegant states that such a description is disappointing and uninteresting. Vassar describes him like a professor. â€Å"6 Artists during the Renaissance were perceived as heroic and were Just as important as statesmen, 7 so Vicar's comments were not wrong or m ade out of context.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Health,Hygiene and Cleanliness Essay

The barracks are places great emphasis on cleanliness and well-being, both physically and leadership. In these places, even as much as a clean window is linked to physical cleanliness. More importantly, cleanliness is termed an indispensable fundamental of our role as a leader. However, this fundamental is sometimes hard to understand for some people, unfortunately, is not reflected in our cilivilian life practically. Serious reflection is required on our individual as well as collective teamworking to complete any thing to show others that we as individuals can do anythingMaintaining your barracks room is a very easy task to do. It does not take much to put your dirty clothes away or evem wash them or to make your rack or even dust. All of those tasks are very simple to do. By not maintaining any room I,my room mate, and anyone else at a greater risk of getting sick. Unsanitary conditions in the barracks room is disgusting. Through frequent contact throughout the day with the other soldiers that one soldier could be if he, or she becomes sick, could possibly cause other soldiers to be ill.When one person becomes the source of another person being sick then that soldier could be face possible punishmen The above few examples from the Holy Quran and sayings of the Holy Prophet reveal that without cleanliness of our body and environment, one cannot receive the proximity of Allah spiritually and most importantly, faith cannot be completed in the absence of cleanliness and purity. Much is said rhetorically about cleanliness in our society but practically its application is missing. A quick observation can reveal how insensitive a culture we have developed regarding cleanliness and hygiene.Throwing garbage in the streets, roads or parks has become a common practice in our society. In public places dustbins are seldom found. Even if dustbins are installed, people do not use them properly. Rather, they prefer to throw garbage outside them. It is also observed that peo ple clean their homes and shops and throw the garbage on the street without considering its implications. It is evident that even students of elite schools throw garbage on the ground even in the presence of garbage bins.This shows our attitude towards cleanliness and hygiene. Another habit that is commonly found in our society is spitting openly. People spit paan from running vehicles without considering the pedestrians walking on the road. This practice not only affects the environment but is also an eyesore. Another area that needs consideration is the horrible condition of public toilets. The shortage of public toilets is a big challenge, hence people are compelled to use open spaces to answer the call of nature.The toilets that do exist are in such pathetic condition that one cannot use them. There are many other examples which can be cited to indicate the pathetic condition of cleanliness and hygiene in our society. Hence, conscious efforts are needed to tackle this issue. The re is a dire need to educate and sensitise people about the importance of cleanliness in light of our faith. In this regard social institutions such as educational institutions, the media and religious institutions can play a vital role.It is essential to provide civic education in order to train the younger generations of a society. In Pakistan, the education system needs to transform its practices. Teaching and learning material regarding cleanliness and hygiene should be included in the curriculum and textbooks. Educational institutions should demonstrate cleanliness in their premises. To train young people schools should involve students in cleaning their schools, homes and environment and highlight proper sanitary practices. The use of dustbins should be strictly followed in the school premises.Secondly, the media can be a powerful source to educate and sensitise the masses about the importance of cleanliness and disadvantages of an unhygienic way of life. It should focus on bo th the good as well as unhygienic practices in our society. Thirdly, religious institutions such as mosques and madressahs can also play their part in educating the people about the importance of cleanliness in the light of Islamic teachings. Furthermore, the role and commitment of the government cannot be overlooked in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in society.The government’s will is very crucial in making policies and implementing them at the grass-roots level. The government can play an important role in cleaning areas, installing dustbins, collecting garbage and enforcing laws against littering etc. The importance of cleanliness cannot be ignored in individual as well as communal life. On one hand it is an important factor for human health and spiritual development; on the other hand it is essential for environmental development. By adopting a clean and hygienic lifestyle, a valuable amount can also be saved where health issues are concerned.A clean and healthy life helps in refining the culture of a society and reflects in every aspect of life such as art, architecture, food, music and so on. Ultimately, it leads towards a higher level of civilisation. Islam has put unique emphasis on the importance of cleanliness by making it a part of faith. Hence, there is a dire need to make conscious efforts in educating the people about the importance of cleanliness. In this regard, serious steps are required at multiple levels to make this precious value of our faith part of our individual and collective lives.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Literacy and the Politics of Education Summary Essay

In the article, â€Å"Literacy and the Politics of Education,† author C. H. Knoblauch touches on a deeper understanding about the concept of literacy. His perspective conveys that literacy is much more than what society usually perceives it as; just reading and writing. Clearly laid out in his essay are four notable types of literacy which are: functional literacy, cultural literacy, critical literacy, and personal growth literacy. Knoblauch chose this subject in order to express his frustration on societies and their lack of motivation to excel being literate. He feels that America is becoming more illiterate since the development of new technology. Not that more Americans are forgetting how to read and write, but that more are failing to use literacy as a means of enriching themselves and furthering themselves through life. The most prevalent form of literacy, especially in the United States, is functional literacy. It exists not as an art, not to paint a picture, or to express emotions. Functional literacy is, in all scenarios, a technical basis of reading and writing; just enough to get by in life. Functionalists will read what concerns them. And they certainly only write what they must, whether it is a legal document or sending a simple email. It is the literacy that exists in the very basic everyday functions for people. Cultural Literacy is just as the title suggests. It is literacy that is dependent on the individual or groups of individuals. It is passed down from generation to generation. The idea is that people rate literacy with judgment values free of influence from any government. This could most purely be portrayed as an American farming family, living far from the nearest town or city. The children are home-schooled so now the parents’ literacy is passed to the children. But more than that, the literacy passed also â€Å"includes the awareness of the cultural heritage. † (Knoblauch) The third type of literacy noted is called critical literacy. This type stems from the Marxist theory, and is also deemed as a negative in our American society. It is the type of literacy that motivates people to urge for change in their current society. It refutes dominant organizations, and urges that all people have equal opportunities. The final form of literacy, the personal growth belief, states that language is a tool to communicate the greater inner power of the human mind. This type of literacy is connected to the way humans develop cognitive thinking. It thrives on achievement and power. This type of literacy argues for the sake of literacy itself. It wants individuals to embrace literacy and let their minds wander into their own imaginations. In conclusion, literacy indeed takes many forms. â€Å"Literacy is one of those mischievous subjects. †(Knoblauch).

The History of Root Beer and Inventor Charles Hires

The History of Root Beer and Inventor Charles Hires According to his biography, Philadelphia pharmacist Charles Elmer Hires discovered a recipe for a delicious tisane- a form of herbal tea- while on his honeymoon in New Jersey. Not long after, he began selling a dry version of the tea blend but it had to be mixed with water, sugar, and yeast and left to ferment for the carbonation process to take place. On the suggestion of his friend Russell Conwell (founder of Temple University), Hires began working on a liquid formulation for a carbonated root beer beverage that would be more appealing to the masses. The result was a combination of more than 25 herbs, berries, and roots that Hires used to flavor carbonated soda water. At Conwells urging, Hires introduced his version of root beer to the public at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial exhibition. Hires Root Beer was a hit. In 1893, the Hires family first sold and distributed bottled root beer. The History of Root Beer While Charles Hires and his family contributed greatly to the popularity of modern root beer, its origins can be traced to pre-colonial times during which indigenous tribes commonly created beverages and medicinal remedies from sassafras roots. Root beer as we know it today is descended from small beers, a collection of beverages (some alcoholic, some not) concocted by American colonists using what they had at hand. The brews varied by region and were flavored by locally grown herbs, barks, and roots. Traditional small beers included birch beer, sarsaparilla, ginger beer, and root beer. Root beer recipes of the era contained different combinations of ingredients such as allspice, birch bark, coriander, juniper, ginger, wintergreen, hops, burdock root, dandelion root, spikenard, pipsissewa, guaiacum chips, sarsaparilla, spicewood, wild cherry bark, yellow dock, prickly ash bark, sassafras root, vanilla beans, hops, dog grass, molasses, and licorice. Many of these ingredients are still used in root beer today, along with added carbonation. There is no single recipe for root beer. Fast Facts: Top Root Beer Brands If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then Charles Hires would have a lot to feel flattered about. The success of his commercial root beer sales soon inspired competition. Here are some of the most notable root beer brands.A W: In 1919, Roy Allen bought a root beer recipe and began marketing his beverage in Lodi, California. A year later, Allen partnered with Frank Wright to form AW Root Beer. In 1924, Allen bought his partner out and obtained a trademark for the brand that is now the top-selling root beer in the world.Barqs: Barqs Root Beer debuted in 1898. It was the creation of Edward Barq, who along with his brother Gaston were the principals of the  Barqs Brothers Bottling Company founded in the New Orleans French Quarter in 1890. The brand is still owned by the Barqs family but is currently manufactured and distributed by the Coca-Cola Company.Dads: The recipe for Dads Root Beer was created by Ely Klapman and Barney Berns in the basement of Klapmans Chicago-area ho me in the late 1930s. It was the first product to make use of the six-pack packaging  format invented by the Atlanta Paper Company in the 1940s.Mug Root Beer: Mug Root Beer was originally marketed as â€Å"Belfast Root Beer† during the 1940s by the Belfast Beverage Company. The product name was later changed to Mug Old Fashioned Root Beer, which was then shortened to Mug Root Beer. Currently manufactured and distributed by PepsiCo, Mugs brand mascot is a bulldog named â€Å"Dog.† Root Beer and Health Concerns In 1960, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned the use of sassafras as a potential carcinogen. Sassafras is one of the main flavoring ingredients in root beer. However, it was determined that the potentially dangerous element of the plant was found only in the oil. Once a method to extract the harmful oil from the sassafras was found, sassafras could continue to be used without harmful repercussions. As with other soft drinks, classic root beer is classified by the scientific community as a sugar-sweetened beverage or SSB. Studies have linked SSBs to a number of health concerns including obesity, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay. Even non-sweetened beverages, if consumed in too great a quantity, have the potential for negatively impacting health.